Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Oh and I'll be "reuniting" the S2"s engine back to the chassis tonight..... Finally... Seems that on the one down and 4 up transmission there are some small ball bearings between 1'st and 2nd gear to "float" the tranny in nuteral. Well turns out these little fuckers WILL get grimed up and just lock you transmission between gears. Exactly like what happenned to me a while back. Problem solved. Engine Re-re-re assembled and a shot at a running bike before long... hopefully. Here's the culprits..
Sigh... For what "might have been"....

Thursday, January 3, 2008

OK. Life is getting back on track! I'll be attacking that pain in the ass S2 that has been giving me so much misery. I will finish this bike or destroy it in my efforts!!

Here's the little bitch before I started.