Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wow! Street Legal Maico MD250!! A Bike I Never Even Knew Existed.

Thanks to Andreas Weiss over on the Adventure Rider Site.
His comment over there went:

Here is my Maico MD 250 with rotary disc valve. The only street legal serial bike with Kröber ignition - alternator and accu charge control.


  1. Rotary Maicos never die

  2. Hi,

    I happened to own a Maico MD 250 way back in the 1970s - it was a blue 1976 model with 27 hp, but it was light like a feather which made you a king on twisty roads. It was joy to ride and you could easily keep pace with much more powerful bikes, but it did not stop harrassing me with all sorts of minor problems, so I sold it after one year
