And hey I'm always on the hunt for great 2-Stroke Pictures so if you've got anything interesting at all send them to me. My E-mail Address is:
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great Blog , I've been following it almost from the beginning. I've been mad about 2 stroke bikes since the late 70's and have had a number of Yamaha RD's since 1981 all of which have been tuned and modified Cafe Racer style. Most saw action on the drag strip. I've had my current bike for about five years. I've attached some photo's. It's in a constant state of evolution and develops almost weekly. It's popular at bike meets and always draws a lot of attention. It's no show bike as I often use it for work which is a sixty mile round trip accross the North York Moors.
I am in the fortunate position of working in a machine shop in the aerospace business so I can do all the work myself. Currently if my memory serves me correctly it is based on a modified D model frame with RD350LC front forks, needle roller swing-arm and rear suspension, wheels and brakes are RD400. The seat is a maxton TZ item and the tank is also TZ but I don't know who made it. Pipes are Allspeed, Really old, knackerd ones which came off a racer, I repaired them and modified the fittings to suit. The motor is Fahron tuned 370cc and very quick. I've done a lot of mod's to the engine which would take a page to list. I modified the intakes to suit banshee reeds and it currently runs 28mm carbs, however, I have a set of Mikuni VM 28's which I'll fit over winter. See-thru clutch cover was done for me by NK Racing. All shiny bits are by me and made from either aircraft grade alloy or titanium, I'll make parts for any bike but prefer 70's two strokes. I urgently need to modernise the brakes, another job for winter. I have another project on the go; a kenny roberts' replica which will be watercooled (it's not an LC though) more of that some other time. Hope you like the photo's, I'll soon be filming a very sexy two stroke cafe racer video starring my lovely wife, I'll send you a link when it's on line.
Ivan J Addams
Whitby, North Yorkshire, UK.