My first street legal 2 stroke. A 1972 Kawasaki S2 350. I rode the stink out of this bike for a few months till the crank seals went out. I didn't know much about them at the time so I had the top end rebuilt with NOS kawasaki pistons Igot offf E-bay for a LOT of $$. So It already has a fresh top end and some brand new Pro-Flo expansion Chambers (on the shelf) and some S3 carbs (a little larger but bolt-on). Need to get her apart and get the crankshaft off to Damon Kirkland (The Kawi Triple Crank GOD) for a rebuild. After that its lots of love and cosmetics really is all she'll need. Soon......
I did a lot of things wrong early on with this bike. I owe it to her to at least get her back on the road again. Even got me to Daytona once back in 99 or 2000 or... about 25 pounds ago :)